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  • The Green Pages

Spring Sports Updates

Spring Sports have come and gone . . . and the teams continue to work and move forward. They work hard on the field and work hard in school. Yet - how do they do it? So, we asked athletes at Morrow High School what they do to keep up this lifestyle.

Most athletes would wake up and watch films based on their desired sport to get them going. After their athletic studies, they would then tackle their academic studies by being present and on time to each class, and to end their day they would meet with their coaches for practice or to overlook more films on what they did right, and what they could intentionally improve on whether minor or major.

There is a lot of optimism the coaches have for their players here at Morrow. Well, that's to be expected from how hard these guys see our players work, or rather, how hard they work our players. If these players can get through the rigorous training our coaches got in store for them, anyone would feel pessimistic for whatever stands in their way.

We had the privilege of speaking with Coach Rafe, Fall Football Coach and Spring Tennis Coach. When recapping his experience with coaching Tennis this season, he added that the players had an intensity in their eye for this Tennis season this year, which was great. Rafe goes further to add that success on the field means nothing if the players are not focused on their studies, as he states that players focusing on their studies will make them "better and sharper on the field." We are thankful for our coaches focusing on academic and athletic success. Go Mustangs!

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