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  • Writer's pictureTan Nguyen

Senior Countdown

Updated: Apr 2, 2022

May is right around the corner and with that signals something else for our current seniors. The seniors of Morrow High School are soon to enter the world, becoming functioning adults in society.

There are many paths for our seniors to take once they enter society. Here's the big three;

- College

- Military

- Workforce

BUT these aren't the only choices our seniors have. There are multiple. They can do anything after high school and make something of themselves.

One of our Morrow seniors, Alicia Rosiro plans on going to Georgia State university to major in AP Psychology.

Another Morrow Mustang that has a bright future ahead of her is Jasmine Doyle who is planning on attending an HBCU, and eventually join its ROTC program. If that doesn't fall through for her, she'll instead attend a Georgian Military College.

Then our other successful Morrow Mustang, Robert Washington, plans on being a Nursing Assistant and sees where that takes them in life.

With seniors having a little over a month left before graduations a lot of pressure is put on them for life after graduation. Even if our seniors don't have a plan for life after high school they can always come up with one in the months after graduation.

Life doesn't end just because you don't have a plan, the best thing to do, just take a deep breath, weigh out the options that you do have and the skills you have possessed, and think it through. Anything can happen and anything is possible.

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